Shipping shoppingyoga Marketplace Items
shoppingyoga Marketplace items are shipped directly from the individual seller, and not from shoppingyoga.
shoppingyoga Marketplace items cannot be shipped to:
PO boxes
APO/FPO (military addresses)
US Virgin Islands or Guam
Shipping time may be up to 4-10 weeks, please wait or contact customer service.
Shipping Costs
Shipping cost is calculated on a "per item" or "per pound" basis and is based on the shipping method you select (Standard, Expedited, Express, Saturday). We sometimes offer free shipping in select categories, or free shipping site-wide.
Free Shipping on Orders $35 and Up
Excludes shoppingyoga Marketplace items, scheduled delivery items, and items displaying "In Store Only" message. Select digital downloads, e-gift cards, shoppingyoga Marketplace items, scheduled delivery items and taxes do not count toward the $35 order total. If an item cancellation or coupon lowers the total purchase price to less than $35, you will be charged for the shipping cost of the remaining items.
Gift Packaging
For more information on shipping and gift packaging costs, see our Gift Packaging Frequently Asked Questions.
Scheduled Delivery
Some items require scheduled delivery due to their size and weight. These items include major appliances, TVs 51" or larger and furniture.
Note: Some appliances (such as dishwashers and many gas appliances) require specialty installation, which must be purchased separately.
Delivery Details
The day before delivery, we'll call you with a 2-hour delivery window. (We're unable to accommodate specific delivery times.)
Deliveries occur between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Be sure an adult 18 or older is home to sign for delivery. (Must be 19 or older in AL and NE.)
Note: Special order deliveries will not be delivered beyond the entryway of the home or garage.
If your order includes other items that do not require scheduled delivery, they will be shipped separately.